Interview By Maia Poon
Art in all its forms is so essential for our emotional wellbeing, learning about others’ lives, and sharing our own stories. Especially now, with June 2020 being Pride Month, a pivotal moment for the Black Lives Matter movement, and in the midst of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the role of art is shifting but more important than ever. I had the opportunity to provide a platform for multidisciplinary artists and writers through online interviews, and they each had something unique to share. Keep creating!

Jennie Davis
Printmaking Student at OCADU (Currently working on digital artworks until she has studio access again!)
Orillia, Ontario, Canada
1. Do you feel more or less connected to your art during social isolation?
Throughout the pandemic, I have gone through many phases of being so devoted to my practice, to being completely unmotivated and cut off. However, when I do feel my creative energy, it's so strong. The works I've made through the pandemic are arguably some of my best. I've had lots of time to meditate on my work, which is something I didn't have when I was in school.

2. Have you seen any noticeable changes in the subjects of your art?
I have noticed a significant amount of changes in my artwork! All for the better! I've been exploring new subject matter, new mediums, and new techniques. It has been so fun to learn and create in my own time.
3. Why is art important right now, with the pandemic and civil unrest around the world?
Art is always important, but it is especially important right now because of everything that's going on. Art is a form of therapy and healing for many people and has bettered public health. I'm proud to say that many of the artists I know and am close to are making strong works that comment on our political issues right now. Artists are taking a stand and creating works that speak loudly, and saying things that many people would and do reject. I have been really positively overwhelmed with the works I've seen for the BLM movement. This is such a powerful time and it's important that we make work about global issues.
4. How can art be used to share typically marginalized voices?
Art throughout history has been used to send messages. These messages can be simple, like advertisements, or big and risky satirical works. Our artworks as a community tell stories of who we are. And I have been so blessed to hear the stories of those who felt or feel drowned out. Art is for everyone, which is just so beautiful. And I'm so glad that it is still being used to educate and send messages to the public on the injustices people experience as part of a larger society.