By Noemi Giovinazzo
We are free. We are free to be ourselves. We are free to be whatever we want to be.

Freedom of expression is essential. We must feel free to be all that makes us feel good. We often feel oppressed by our expectations and the judgment of others. But why? Do not we deserve to be happy and to be what we really are? Without feeling wrong? I glued petals, letters, and sparkles to my face. Usually, these works are done on paper, but I wanted to bring my creation alive, using my eyes to be an integral part of the project. That day I needed to remember that I had to love myself and feel free to be who I want to be, without being afraid to show my soul, without feeling unfit. This message is universal. Everyone must free their heart from the judgment of others to live in peace

Against all prejudice, against all forms of violence and abuse, against all types of discrimination; I exist.
My feelings and emotions exist, my love exists, my happiness. My insecurities, fears, anxieties, and sadness.
My dignity, my integrity and my freedom exist.
I am human and I deserve to be as happy as any person in the world without feeling wrong. I’m free to express myself and NO ONE CAN BREAK MY VOICE.
This project represents a rebirth from malaise. It symbolizes freedom of expression, the strength to fight, a rematch from suffering. It’s a complaint against the pressures we’re forced to endure.
It is a cry of anger against all forms of discrimination, violence, abuse, and injustice. It is an act of liberation from every type of imposition and oppression. Unfortunately, life is full of pitfalls. We must fight against the judgments and wickedness of others, obstacles, failures, and disappointments. Society tells us who we should be and what we should do. But who can define us? Nothing and no one can make us lose the desire and the joy of living. No one can make us feel wrong, no one can define our identity, make us doubt our abilities, our value, and make us stop loving ourselves.
The flower represents the voice. A voice that makes ideas reborn and bloom, a voice that needs to be heard again despite the difficulties. Red as anger for justice the injustices suffered and as passion and love, that make us feel alive and help us to fight again for what we believe.
People criticized my emotions, they told me I was weird and wrong. They even told me that, despite the sacrifices, I don't deserve to achieve my goals. Always judged. I felt like a mistake, I was ashamed of my person and I hated myself. I was lost. I thought I was the problem then I realized that it wasn't so and I said to myself: «NO ONE CAN BREAK MY VOICE»